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Last Wednesday I went with a TVA crew to perform aquatic biologicalmonitoring of Possum and Soddy Creeks. At Possum Creek, someone abandoned a male dog and three of his puppies. He is an amazing dog in that he is very responsible and has taken very good care of his puppies. He would not leave them. I've never seen a male dog be so nurturing to puppies before. The landowner threatened to shoot the dogs so my son and I rescued all but one puppy (one of the TVA crew rescued it). The adult male is a black-Border Collie mix and the puppies are a lab mix. They are not obedience trained and do not currently like cats. When we returned to pick up the dogs, someone else had abandoned a litter of four 4-week old kittens. We also rescued the kittens. Pictures of the dogs are attached. I do not have pictures of the kittens yet. All of the rescue shelters are full and all of these animals are in desperate need of medical attention. They all have worms and fleas and need shots. I am trying very hard to get volunteer veterinarian care for them, but so far have been unsuccessful. At the very least, I am going to have them wormed this week. The puppies have been treated with Frontline for fleas and ticks and the kittens, which were infested, have been bathed and picked for fleas as they are too young to treat with chemicals. I will be unable to keep these animals much longer as I have a very small apartment and am running out of options for them very fast. The Humane Society is too full and has said that the longest they will keep animals before they are destroyed at this time is one week (and that is only for the ones they see fit for adoption - for the ones not fit for adoption they destroy immediately). If you know of anyone that might be interested in adopting one of these animals, helping to foster or donating for veterinarian care, please have them contact me at work at 209-4224, at home at 875-5264 or at my email address of I have received a few donations that will help with having them wormed this week. Thank you.

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